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Chris Orsaris is the Subject of a New Interview

Queens, New York, USA, June 5, 2023 — It is with great enthusiasm that Chris Orsaris, an expert automotive consultant and owner of several car dealerships, announces that he is the subject of a new, in-depth interview. The interview, which was conducted by freelance journalist Stefan Junge on behalf of an online periodical aimed at entrepreneurs and businesspeople, was published on April 3, 2023.

Early in the piece, Chris answers a question about what inspired him to pursue a career in automotive sales. “I’ve always loved cars, trucks, and motorcycles. From an early age, the idea of stylish and well-engineered vehicles just fascinated me. I played with toy cars as a child. In high school, I got my driver’s license the moment I was old enough, and I took auto shop class and learned how engines and various other automotive components actually worked,” he says, elaborating, “So, when I graduated and the time finally came to enter the workforce, it just seemed like running an automobile dealership was a natural goal for me to strive for. With a lot of hard work and planning, as well as a little luck, I achieved that goal. And not long after, I got another dealership, and then another, and so on and so forth.”

Further along in the interview, Chris Orsaris is asked to cite the strategy he credits most for increasing the profitability of his dealerships, replying, “The single best strategy that has helped me to expand my businesses has been a perpetual emphasis on high-quality customer service. When a customer is happy with their experience, they tell their family and friends about it, which leads to two valuable things: more customers and excellent word-of-mouth advertising.”

At the conclusion of the piece, Chris addresses a three-part question about a failure he encountered in his career, how he overcame it, and what he ultimately learned from it. “(E)arly in my career, I took on too many roles,” he replies. “I was the chief salesman, the head accountant, the marketing executive, and the human resources director—simply put, I tried to do everything myself. After a certain amount of time passed, I realized this was doing the business no favors and was actually a recipe for burnout. I overcame this issue by assembling a great team and putting their talents to work. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Anyone interested in reading the interview in its entirety will find it located here, while anyone curious to learn more about Chris Orsaris is encouraged to visit his professional website.

About Chris Orsaris:

Chris Orsaris is a veteran automotive consultant and successful entrepreneur located in the borough of Queens in New York City, New York. Chris also owns and operates several auto dealerships, offering a variety of services and vehicles to his customers. He has taken many years to perfect his business processes and, at this point, has created an exceptional system.

In his free time, Chris Orsaris has a big passion for water-based activities. He loves to spend his days off work boating, fishing, or simply enjoying a coastal or riverside view.

Contact Information:

Name: Chris Orsaris

Email: orsaris@gmail.com

Website: https://chrisorsaris.com/

Address: Queens, New York, USA