1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Can maine coon cats swim


Maine Coon cats are the most intelligent and best-natured of all domestic breeds. Their size, shape and fur patterns make them look like they could be part wild cat. So yes, Maine Coon cats can swim! In fact, this breed of cat was originally bred to help fisherman catch fish in icy waters so they were built for it.

Can Maine Coon Cats Swim?

Maine Coons are the largest breed of cat, and they’re also strong swimmers. Their fur is water resistant and they’re very good at climbing trees. They’re also great hunters, which makes them ideal pets to have if you want to be able to enjoy hunting with your cat but don’t have the time or energy for it yourself!

Maine Coons are extremely loyal pets, who will stay by your side no matter what’s going on around them. This means that if you live far from the nearest ocean or lake and can’t take your Maine Coon swimming with ease (because let’s face it—most people don’t own boats), then this shouldn’t stop them from enjoying themselves in other ways such as playing fetch with a ball or stick!

How to Teach Your Cat to Swim

  • If you have a small pool, place your cat in the water and make sure that it is shallow enough for your cat to stand.
  • If you don’t want to spend money on a life jacket, use something you already have around the house like a rubber band or an elastic band. Attach this around their torso so they can float on top of the water without sinking too low.
  • Encourage them to swim toward something such as a toy or treat by using positive reinforcement (rewards), such as praise, treats and toys!


Your cat can’t swim. They’re not designed to stay afloat in water, and they don’t have the swimming skills that other animals do. They might be able to tread water for a few minutes with their front paws and hind legs, but eventually they’ll sink like a rock. It’s important to keep your Maine Coon away from bodies of water so it doesn’t accidentally fall in or jump in on its own accord (which we’ve seen happen).

If you want your Maine Coon to go outside but aren’t ready for the full-time commitment of walking them yet, consider buying them a harness and leash so that you can take them out on walks together!


As you can see, Maine Coon cats are a special breed of cat that have many different talents. So if you are looking for an energetic and fun pet then the Maine Coon cat is a great option for you!