1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Best SOD / Grass To Install In Jacksonville Florida.

Choose The Best Grass / SOD In Jacksonville.

Green Yard LLC in Jacksonville, Florida, has attended vast grass conditions. But mostly, we deal with warm weather grasses, so called because they evolved to grow in warmer and wetter climes, and are suitable for lawns in the northern part of Florida like Jacksonville, FL, where the environment tends to be warmer and wetter. If you want the most outstanding results, choose one of these grass varieties to seed or sod; visit our website at greenyardllc.com.

St Augustine Floratam Sod

Since St. Augustine grass grows during the warm season, it can keep its color even as the temperature outside rises. Over the winter, it may turn brown if there isn’t any drought. To keep a lawn green during a drought, it is vital to water it regularly until the rains return.

Lawns consisting of St. Augustine Floratam sod can be found across Florida. Because it can be easily propagated from plugs, sprigs, or sod, this variety of grass is by far the most widespread in Florida and Jacksonville Florida.

Zoysia Sod

This grass thrives in warm climates and was brought all the way from Asia to the United States, where it has been quite successful. Zoysia has a high tolerance for dry conditions, thus it may even do well during dry periods of the year. Zoysia has a high resistance to wear and can be utilized to create an enjoyable and secure environment for children in the backyard.

Bahia Sod

You should not plant bahiagrass if you want a lawn that looks like a dense carpet and requires a lot of maintenance. It is, however, an excellent choice if you want a grass that requires little maintenance, has a relatively open canopy, and is resistant to insects and diseases.

Centipede Sod

Centipedegrass is an excellent choice for lawns because it requires almost no maintenance. This low-maintenance grass makes mowing, weeding, and fertilizing much easier. Additionally, it can adjust to areas of shade.

Conversely, Centipedegrass has a very slow growth rate and is susceptible to extinction when exposed to foot traffic or salt. It is important to refrain from overfertilizing the grass to get a darker green color because this will develop thatch and hasten the grass’s mortality.

Bermuda Sod

Bermuda grass isn’t just found on golf courses, sports fields, and parks but also popular lawn grass. Many sod suppliers offer Bermuda grass as an affordable option for sod installation. Since it is drought-resistant and grows well in warm conditions, this tough grass is perfect for our subtropical climate in Jacksonville and northern Florida.

Shade Tolerant Sod

Homeowners in Florida interested in purchasing sod for their lawns often prioritize finding a product that has a high level of true shade tolerance. Growing grass in the shade is easy if the appropriate grass variety is selected. When selecting the best grass for a lawn in Jacksonville Florida, it is crucial to consider how well the grass handles shade and how well it performs in other ways.