1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

A Complete Guide to Tomatoes Blossom End Rot


Blossom end rot is among the most common things that can go wrong when you grow tomatoes. Everything seems fine as you watch those tiny fruits grow and ripen daily. But then you see that the bottom of a tomato has a soft spot that goes black. Blossom end rot has struck. Don’t worry, tomato fans. This isn’t the end. You might have to put fruit that is already spoiled in your trash pile. But tomatoes growing on healthy plants can be sliced perfectly for your next BLT if you follow these four tips.

What Is the Cause of Blossom End Rot?

It’s not a bug or an illness that causes blossom end rot in tomatoes. Dry conditions produce calcium deficiency, which causes tomato bottom to rot. All parts of a tomato plant that grows, from the seeds to the flowers, need calcium. Water moves calcium from one place to another. Due to a lack of available water during drought, blossom end rot may develop on growing fruit.

The main problem is that there isn’t enough water to get the calcium to the fruit. But a soil test will show if calcium or other important nutrients for plants are missing. Because all sections of the plant are quickly expanding, calcium is in great need during the season’s early tomatoes. As the plant transfers calcium from its roots to its stems and foliage, there is sometimes insufficient calcium for the maturing fruit, resulting in black, gelatinous blossom end decay.

How to Stop Blossom Rot in Tomatoes

Wait until your dirt is 70 degrees F (21 C) before you put in new tomatoes. Don’t change how much you water. As your tomatoes grow, ensure they get an inch and a half (2.5 cm) of water every week from watering or rain. If you water your plants too much, the roots may die, with the same bad effects. Also, let’s say the soil dries up or the tomatoes’ roots are covered. If that’s the case, they won’t be able to bring up the necessary calcium.

The key is to water consistently. Don’t water tomatoes from above. Instead, water them at ground level. Mulch the vegetation with organic material to retain moisture. End bud rot normally happens to the first or second crop of tomatoes. Even though blossom end rot makes the plant more likely to get sick, it is not infectious and won’t spread to other foods. If you don’t have a serious calcium shortage, you don’t need sprays or fungicides to treat it.

If you remove the damaged fruit and keep watering the plant regularly, the problem may be fixed for the fruits that come after. If the calcium content of your soil is low, amend it with some lime or gypsum, or apply a foliar spray that contains calcium to encourage the plant’s leaves to absorb calcium. If the bottom of a beautiful tomato has gone bad, cut off the bad part and eat the rest.


This guide will show you how to keep tomatoes from going bad so you can get the most out of your plants and crops. You can stop tomatoes from rotting by paying attention to your environment and the seeds you use and ensuring plants get enough water and food. This will help you grow tomatoes that you will be happy to eat.

Your hard work results are beautiful and rewarding when you grow your healthy tomatoes. Get farm-fresh tomatoes that are ripe and ready to eat, and use the tips in our guide to keep them from going bad. You will get delicious tomatoes that won’t go bad or give you any shocks.