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7 Key Benefits of Supported Independent Living for NDIS Participants

The key aim of NDIS is to help  the participants achieve their goals, gain independence and live their lives happily with the desired support. NDIS provides funding distributed across budgets to help the participants achieve the same. One such budgeting is for Supported independent living (SIL), which allows the participants to live independently and access the assistance they need to thrive through SIL providers in Melbourne or near your area. SIL has multiple benefits for the participants. There is not just 24/7 support but also a sense of enhanced freedom in SIL. There are numerous other benefits, too, that we shall be elaborating in this blog. But before that, let’s understand what supported independent living (SIL) is.

What Is Supported Independent Living?

Supported independent living is one NDIS funding category that offers specialised support services to its participants. These services are specially for those who require support around-the-clock while residing in a shared home. Here the participants receive assistance with daily duties, including cooking, cleaning, and personal care under the programme.

Along with helping the participants live more comfortably, SIL also assists them in enhancing their life skills. SIL permits households with between two and seven occupants, each of whom will have their room. When the participants have SIL in their plan, they receive the following support 24/7-

  • Assistance in money and budget management
  • Aid for cooking and cleaning
  • Assistance to improve their social skills
  • Help with personal care
  • Help in travelling and attending your appointments
  • Assistance in personal care, such as showering and dressing
  • Assistance with daily life skill learning

Benefits of Supported Independent Living

Supported independent living or SIL through accomplished SIL providers in Melbourne or elsewhere helps the participants in numerous ways. Below are a few advantages that the participants will acquire through SIL-

More Independence

The primary benefit of SIL is that it allows NDIS participants to maintain their independence while still receiving necessary support. It means you can continue to enjoy doing things your way, with additional assistance available when needed. The range and level of support you receive will depend on your individual needs and circumstances, but ultimately, SIL allows you to choose how much or how little assistance you want. With the help of support, they begin to make life decisions and learn numerous other skills that take their independence level a notch higher.

Increased Confidence

With supported independent living, participants learn multiple skills that enhance their independence and confidence. When they live with people of similar ages and interests, they build a social circle that promotes growth and individuality. Such interaction instils confidence in the NDIS participants and helps them confidently make key life decisions and attain the set goals.

Avail Companionship

Many people who opt for supported independent living report feeling less lonely than in other arrangements such as residential care facilities or group homes. It’s because SIL provides companionship without sacrificing freedom and autonomy. The perfect balance for those who wish to remain independent but don’t want to be alone. With SIL, your supports are there when you need them but not intrusive enough that they take away your sense of independence.

The SIL providers in Melbourne match the participants with people of similar ages. When they also share an interest and engage in similar recreational or learning activities, it helps the participants to build a strong bond with other inmates. Such companionships make them happier and more zealous in life.

Increased Opportunities

With SIL, you can choose wherever you wish to relocate. You can choose a place near your employment, day programme, or recreational pursuits. Or your objectives could be to reside at a home that offers more opportunities for honing your abilities and enhancing independence. Hence, SIL can help you access more opportunities and learn new skills.

Enjoy the Flexibility

Supported independent living services are tailored to each individual’s needs, giving them complete flexibility in scheduling and services received. You can also choose how often support is provided, which ranges from daily check-ins to regular phone calls or visits from a service provider. It ensures that you receive what is necessary and helps promote independence by providing just the right amount of help.

Assurance of Safety

Supported independent living assures the participants of their safety no matter whichever place they wish to relocate. There is 24/7 support for SIL participants, and they know how to respond to emergencies, in case there are any. Therefore the participants do not have to worry about impending dangers since the SIL providers in Melbourne provide them with 24/7 support and security.

Availability of Support 24/7

While moving into a new house and gaining independence are thrilling, you could feel overwhelmed and anxious about doing without your family, legal guardian, or other vital support. However, there is support whenever you wish through the SIL providers. The support workers help with practical matters, listen to you, and support you in accomplishing your objectives.

Summing Up

Supported independent living has become a popular choice among NDIS participants due to its many advantages over other forms of care and assistance. Those who opt for supported independent living enjoy greater autonomy, flexibility, and companionship, making it an ideal solution for those looking for more control over their daily lives while still having access to necessary support services. Ultimately, SIL offers NDIS participants the best combination of independence and support.

Mylink Assist provides unhindered support to the NDIS participant and assists them in every walk of life. We strictly believe in the NDIS motto that says the participants must be able to exercise their choice and control regardless of the situation. Therefore we support the participants in every possible way while respecting their wishes.