1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

7 Gifts To Get Your Cat On Her Birthday

It’s not every day that your adorable pet cat turns a year older (not necessarily wiser!) If you’re looking for ways to pamper your furry friend, look no further. We have put together a list of seven gifts that your can will love!


There’s not one cat parent who doesn’t complain of scratches on the furniture, the walls or just about anywhere! Why not invest in a scratcher on your cat’s big day? Not only will this keep your car occupied for hours on end, but it will also always save your furniture and walls from those all too familiar scratch marks. What’s more, cats have a natural predatory tendency that leads them to scratch surfaces. By bringing home a scratch pad, you’re only catering to your cat’s instincts and letting her be a true feline creature.

Cat Enclosure

It isn’t always possible to keep a keen eye on your cat when she meanders outdoors. This is why a cat enclosure is a worthy investment for homeowners with large outdoor spaces. Set up a cat enclosure in your backyard to give your cat plenty of outdoor time, all in the safety of a spacious enclosure. These enclosures have ramps and different levels to give your cat plenty of exercise and climbing practice. It also has a mesh covering so your feline friend isn’t attacked by other animals. Choose a sturdy and durable cat enclosure made of weather-resistant materials.

Squeaky Mice

Nothing excites a cat more than a mouse! Bring home a set of squeaky mice that your cat will never get tired of tugging and biting at. This seemingly mundane activity will give your cat plenty of independent time away from you. it will also cater to her predatory instincts and keep her engaged for hours! These squeaky mice are electronic battery-powered toys that squeal on being bitten, thrown, captured or tossed – just what your cat needs to give herself a sense of accomplishment! This activity is one your cat will never get bored of.

Collar & Name Tag

Give your feline diva a chance to flaunt her sense of style with a fashionable collar and name tag. Cat collars come in a wide variety of colours and patterns, adding a splash of colour to your furry friend’s silhouette. Ensure you choose the right size to factor in your little cat growing into her full adult side. Slip in a name tag for a little finesse – after all your cat needs no introduction! What’s more, a collar can also be used to slip into a pet fitness device. This device tracks all the essential parameters of your dog’s health including heart beat rate, blood pressure, daily steps and more. It also syncs with the app to suggest an optimal diet for your cat. This keeps you a step ahead on planning her meals, and activities and ensuring a healthy lifestyle for your furry friend!

Suspended Bed With A View

We all know the importance of good sleep. Sound sleep is just as important as a good diet or healthy interpersonal relationships, even for your cat! Cats enjoy climbing up to a level and enjoying the view. While your furry friend would sit atop a tree outside, your home givers her very limited options on where she can park herself at a height. Invest in an elevated or suspended bed for her, so she can enjoy her afternoon siesta with a spectacular view. Akin to sitting on a throne, this elevated bed will give your cat the feeling of being the queen she is! What’s more, you will know where to find her during every nap, unlike otherwise where you would have to peep into every room looking for your fur ball.

Food Puzzle

Your princely cat may have never had to work for food before, but it is never too late to start! A food puzzle helps stimulate your cat’s brain, improve hand-eye coordination and flex her cause-effect skills. A typical food puzzle involved tugging drawers, batting balls, pressing buttons or even lifting flaps. With every successful activity, the puzzle reveals hidden treats that your cat can lap up. This activity not only exercises her body and mind but also keeps her occupied for hours, helping her become a self-sufficient pet for times when you are busy.

Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush

This brush is more of a gift to you on your pet’s birthday. This little wonder does the job of grooming your feline friend while also decreasing shedding. Now, when cat parent wouldn’t love to do away with balls of fur lying across the living room? Invest in a slicker brush that keeps your cat’s coat shiny, knot-free and luxurious. Its self-cleaning mechanism dislodges the hair at the push of a button, ensuring you spend no effort in cleaning this grooming accessory. What’s not to love about convenience and cleanliness?

Wrap Up

We hope our list of gift ideas has made you extremely excited about planning your cat’s big day!