1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

6 Tips to Attract More Foot Traffic to Your Business Location

If you own a brick-and-mortar business, then you know that foot traffic is essential to your success. After all, customers can’t buy what they can’t see! But how do you get more people in the door? In this blog post, we’ll give you three tips to attract more foot traffic to your business location. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Make sure your business is easy to find

The first step to attracting foot traffic is making sure that potential customers can find your business! That means having a visible sign, keeping your storefront clean and tidy, and making sure your business shows up in online directories.

2. Offer something unique

When customers are considering where to spend their money, they’re looking for a reason to choose your business over the competition. So, what do you have to offer that nobody else does? It could be a unique product, outstanding customer service, or even just a friendly smile. Whatever it is, make sure it’s prominently featured on your website and in any marketing materials you create.

3. Get involved in the community

One of the best ways to attract foot traffic is to get involved in the community around you. That could mean sponsoring a local event, hosting a workshop at your store, or simply offering discounts to local organizations. When customers see that you’re invested in the community, they’ll be more likely to support your business.

4. Make sure your space is inviting

First impressions matter, so you want to make sure your business location is clean, well-lit, and inviting. Nobody wants to visit a dirty, dark, cluttered store—no matter how good the products or services are! Take some time to spruce up your space and make it somewhere people will want to be. You might even want to hire a professional painter and decorator to help you create a space that’s both visually appealing and functional.

5. Offer discounts and promotions

Everyone loves a good deal, so offer discounts and promotions regularly to attract foot traffic (and repeat customers!). You could offer a percentage off certain items, buy-one-get-one deals, or even coupons for future visits. Just make sure the discounts you offer are compelling enough to get people in the door! A little bit of savings probably won’t be enough to lure someone away from the comfort of their own home—but a significant discount just might do the trick.

6. Provide an exceptional customer experience

Finally, one of the most important things you can do is provide an exceptional customer experience. This means being friendly and helpful, offering quick and efficient service, and going above and beyond when it comes to meeting customer needs. If you provide a positive experience for customers, they’re much more likely to come back — and bring their friends!


If you want to bring more foot traffic into your business location, there are a few things you can do to make it happen. First, make sure potential customers can easily find your business; then, offer something unique that they can’t find anywhere else; get involved in the community around you; make sure your space is clean, well-lit, and inviting; and finally, offer discounts and promotions regularly. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to attracting more foot traffic—and more sales—in no time!