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6 Reasons Why Your Child is Performing Poorly in School

Every parent wants their child to excel in their studies. We do our best to secure our child’s future by providing proper educational facilities. And it is evident that when we give our best, we expect the results to be the best too, or at least close to the best.

But we should also accept the fact that every child is not the same. We should not put unnecessary pressure on children. As parents, we must motivate our children to do their best and not push them to be better than the rest.

Still, if you think your child is capable of doing better in studies or was earlier excelling in studies and now is showing up with poor performance, there can be several different reasons behind it.

Here we list a few common ones and what you can do about a specific problem if you identify it in your child.


At a very young age, toys become a distraction, while digital games, cartoons, surfing the internet, online streaming, social media, etc., slowly add to the distractions as the child grows, leading to distracted learning.

But you can’t stop your child from using these things in this interactive world.

So, what can you do?

As parents, you should make your child understand that everything has two sides. Also, limited usage of things can be a boon, and overuse can become a curse.

Instead of putting restrictions, try to make them understand the correct usage of distractions, like digital media.

Institutional Issues

Projects and homework make sense in primary and middle school as they help build skills. But as a child is moving towards higher classes, some tasks are time-consuming and needless.

Your child might want to study and prepare for exams, but a load of homework and projects burden them too much, resulting in poor scores.

How to solve this problem?

Ask your child if they are facing such issues. You can suggest your child take help from professional assignment writing experts like – Writers Per Hour. They provide professional projects written by subject-matter experts and tutor students on difficult topics.

Study Methodology

Children might take up studies as a burden and struggle with completing everyday tasks. They end up saving the learning part for the exam time. But in the final hour, there isn’t enough time for practice and revision.

What is the solution?

Help your child make a schedule and plan a week at a time, keeping some room for dynamicity in the routine.

It will allow the children to avoid getting stuck in a defined pattern of going to school, coming back and doing homework, and having no time for exploratory studying.


It is an undeniable and classic reason for poor academic performance. As children tend to delay their tasks or study time, they get into the habit of ignoring the same and lazing around.

Here’s how you can fix this issue.

It would help if you supervised your child by taking weekly tests, checking their pace, and encouraging them to revise lessons daily.

Low Self-confidence

Low confidence can lead to poor results. Your child might know the correct answer but leave the question unanswered because they feel they might be wrong.

It usually happens because of stress and extreme pressure to do well.

Here’s how to boost their confidence.

Give your child some space. Tell them it’s okay to score average as long as they give their best.

And, it is okay to take some recreational time for themselves to explore the world outside the books.


Some children find it challenging to grasp what is written in their textbooks. They get confused between words with similar meanings. They end up bringing out the wrong context of the concept provided in their books.

Support your child’s learning.

Consult with their school or tuition teachers if you notice your child is having difficulty learning the concepts.

Give your child personal attention. If necessary, appoint a tutor who can guide the child.


Your child might not end up being a top student. You should focus on improving and acknowledging the work and dedication your child displays rather than the result.

It is advisable not to push your child to become someone they are not. Instead, you should always help them to bring out their maximum potential.