1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

6 Link Building Mistakes To Avoid

Link building is vital to the indexing and ranking of a website. This makes it a critical SEO strategy, as SEO is about increasing a website’s and brand’s visibility. A link is created in various ways, ranging from guest blogging and social media marketing and linking internally to a website.

In a digital era where the majority of shopping and entertainment is done online, businesses must work on carving a space for themselves online. Whether you’re selling used books online, offering online courses or the fun of an online casino, SEO experts help brands achieve their awareness objectives by providing link-building services, mainly through guest posting. By guest posting with these experts’ help, you are guaranteed long-term benefits as your posts will stay up through the hosting website’s lifeline.

While link building is vital to your SEO success, most people make mistakes that weigh down their efforts. Here are the link-building mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

1. Linking from Irrelevant and Spammy Websites

When embarking on your link-building campaign, experts always advise you to work with relevant websites. Well, there is a lot of sense in that. For instance, if you are in the beauty industry, and you get backlinks from a construction website. The traffic from this platform will probably not be interested in your products.

Relevance is vital when it comes to choosing websites for link building. The other grave mistake people make in link building is getting links from spammy websites. This alone is enough to make your website get penalized by Google. Links from spammy websites will eat down your website and attract penalties.

The best way to avoid making both mistakes is by researching before you partner with any website for link building. Ensure that the website is relevant to what you do and the websites are legitimate.

2. Failing to Optimize Your Content

Building links as an SEO strategy is effective when paired with other SEO strategies. Content marketing stands out as the approach that makes the most sense in this context. Creating quality content will make the link-building strategy effective.

This is mainly because visitors will only pay attention to content that appeals to them. This is the only way that they are going to come across the links. Pay attention to your content for effective link-building. Research, create strong headlines, and understand your audience, improving link building.

3. Using Same-Nature Anchor Texts for Link-Building

For a fruitful link-building strategy, you should use a mix of anchor texts. There are exact-match anchor texts, naked anchor texts, and brand name anchor texts, to mention a few. The one mistake people make is concentrating too much on the exact-match anchor texts.

You should balance the anchor texts and know where in your content would be ideal for placing them. The reason is that you are likely to get penalized by overusing one type of anchor text, which often results in losing rank on the search engine results pages.

4. Buying Links

Remember that links are supposed to help you drive quality traffic, make conversions, and make sales. Note that bought links do not focus on quality as they do not target specific audiences. You will miss out on the quality traffic that is more likely to buy from you, as it is obvious that you will pay for links that will generate traffic that will not even buy from you.

More so, Google penalizes websites for buying links. If you get caught by Google, your site will lose the rank you have so far worked so much for.

To avoid the negative impact of buying links, work harder, and focus on the link building strategies that will generate organic and quality traffic. That is social media marketing and guest posting, to mention a few.

5. Ignoring On-Page SEO

On-page SEO includes the web page’s title, meta description, and keyword. Google would prefer if the incoming links to this page were related to the subject matter of a page.

Google may interpret information about seemingly unrelated topics as a hint of your link-building technique being malicious or spammy. Google may interpret this as evidence that your site participates in an artificial link-building campaign.

A link scam’s purpose is to increase a website’s search engine rankings by artificially increasing the number of unrelated inbound links to that website. Using such link schemes is considered a black hat SEO practice, which can result in the search engines penalizing your website.

6. Underestimating No-Follow Links

The belief that no follow links provide no benefit to your website is another myth floating around the SEO world. Furthermore, many argue that only do follow links is beneficial to a website.

The importance of your link profile’s diversity increases.

Therefore, your website’s most significant and powerful ranking element is a blend of do follow and no follow links, press release links, social media links, and more.

Take Away

If you avoid making the six mistakes listed above in link-building, it will go a long way toward helping you avoid weighting down your overall search engine optimization efforts. If you want to create links, you should avoid shortcuts as much as possible.

The results of your hard work will pay off in the long run, despite the amount of effort you will require. If you are new to link-building, you may also want to seek the assistance of SEO professionals.