1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

5 Ways to Promote Your Business with Custom Branded Products

With competition in every business niche and industry on the rise, it’s more important than ever to market your products and services in innovative and creative ways that will get you ahead of the curve.

If you run an e-commerce business and want to boost sales, then creating custom branded products may be the way to go. Here are five ways custom branded products can promote your business and brand.

1) The Importance of Branding

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business. It’s what sets your company apart from others and provides a recognizable identity. Branding can be done in many ways but one strategy that has proven to be very effective is the use of custom branded products. With all the custom branding options available, there are plenty of ways that you can promote your business and show off your brand through these items.

You may have noticed that some of your favorite brands like Coca-Cola and Nike often offer promotional t-shirts and hats with their logo on it. These types of branded apparel items are some of the most popular because they offer something for everyone; men, women, kids. They’re also great because they’re something that people will wear out into public so it gives them another opportunity to see the logo or brand name on display which is a huge benefit for the company.

2) Start Small

Branding your products is a great way to promote your business and brand, but it can get expensive. So start small by branding your company’s logo on notebooks, pens, or other items that you can sell at local trade shows or other community events.

You can also offer a special promotion where customers who purchase branded merchandise are entered into a drawing for prizes. This helps promote your business while providing an incentive for customers to buy from you. Once they try your product, they will be more inclined to buy again in the future. 

3) Stick With What Works

If you want your business to grow, it’s important that you market your products. With so many different marketing methods available, it can be hard to know which ones are the best for your company. One tried-and-true method of attracting customers is by using custom branded products. Here are five ways this technique can help promote your business and brand:

  1. It’s an inexpensive way to get your name out there – A lot of people don’t have a large budget when they start their own businesses, and sometimes paying for advertising or marketing campaigns is just out of the question. If you’re on a shoestring budget but still want exposure, investing in custom branded products will get your name in front of potential customers without breaking the bank. The more products you sell, the more money you’ll make!
  2. You control how they are marketed – No one knows your business better than you do, so it’s up to you what kind of message goes on your custom branded items. For example, if word-of-mouth is key to growing your customer base then word should show up in big letters on all of them!
  3. They increase visibility – Whether at home or at work, we see things everyday that we may not even notice unless something catches our eye. By putting your logo on everything from pens to coffee cups, everyone who comes into contact with those items is subconsciously exposed to your brand.
  4. Create consistency – One of the most frustrating aspects of trying to establish a recognizable identity as a small business is making sure that every product and service features the same branding. Using customized merchandise helps solve this problem because every item advertises who you are, no matter where it’s being used.
  5. Develop relationships – When someone buys something from you, they form an emotional connection with your company as well as feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. They also become invested in the success or failure of your business because after all, we’re all in this together!

4) Make it Consistent

Custom branded products are a great way to promote your business and brand. Here are 5 ways to make it consistent:

  1. Use The Same Logo And Font Every Time
  2. Consider The Purpose Of The Product
  3. Choose A Color Scheme
  4. Pick A Specific Typeface
  5. Make Sure To Use Your Brand Name

5) Keep Costs Low

Rather than investing in expensive custom branded products, consider some of the less costly options. You’ll find that there are many ways you can promote your business and brand without breaking the bank. Here are five examples:

* Use social media. Share a photo of your product on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Get the word out about your business by including a link to your website and encouraging people to follow you or like what you’re doing.

* Create an event page and share it on social media channels so that people know when you’re open for business and what kinds of deals they can find at your store. If possible, give customers an early heads-up about any sales or promotions happening in the coming days or weeks so they know when is the best time to visit. You can also post reminders on social media channels.

* Make sure your logo is prominently displayed. Consider using stickers on shelves, windows, tables and throughout the inside of the store to create a cohesive look that promotes your brand while educating visitors about who you are.

* Include information about how to purchase online so customers know where else they might be able to buy your products if they don’t live near your physical location.

* Give discounts to loyal customers who like or comment on posts related to the company’s account on various social media networks.


Branding products is a great way for any business to promote their brand. Not only does it spread awareness, but it also gives customers a sense of belonging and appreciation for your company. It’s also an easy way for you to make a profit because you are able to buy your products in bulk at wholesale prices, then sell them individually at retail prices. You can use branded products as incentives or giveaways that will get your name out there even more.