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5 things you didn’t know about waste recycling and protecting the environment from the Israeli entrepreneur Ofir Morad.

Ofir Morad is a prodigy and a genius from Israel renowned for his theories and concepts of recycled garbage.

His professional background includes serving as the Bank’s Assistant to the Corporationrationrate Banking Division Manager and Corporationrationrate Sector Manager.

He graduated from Bar Ilan University with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business Administration from the Ben Gurion University of the Negev with a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences. 

He wasn’t of the typical mindset like the other children his age; when others thought of earning money and a reputation for themselves, Ofir Morad was busy pondering over the deteriorating air quality around him. The poor waste recycling and damaging the environment suffocated him, and he wanted to improve and protect the environment.

He had always wished to work not just for the welfare of his country but for the whole ecosystem and pursue a career distinct from everyone else.

He genuinely had a new perspective and breadth to think about and succeed in his mission because of his out-of-the-box thinking.

Like every great man, he began his journey while still a tiny drop in a vast ocean. He was aware that the path he had chosen would not be easy, but he had the character to persevere and work hard in the end. Despite his young age, no barrier was enough to stop him as he was a man of sheer will and utmost determination. His education and business-mindedness enabled him to establish a firm that would deal with waste and garbage dumps throughout the nation and use them to produce various things that people could use in their everyday lives.

 A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. He was well aware of this fact and knew that if he wanted to change the world, he had to work hard.

Protecting the Environment

Ofir was born to protect the environment. He stood alone to preserve the green while everyone else was in the technology race.

Waste and rubbish, in Ofir Morad’s opinion, are just two of the best instances of how our ecosystem is destroyed, which creates further issues. Ofir Morad knew how to safeguard the environment from the moment he was born.

 Ofir was a man of “The 3Rs Principle” that includes Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

 He was the first person to work in this profession. He spoke to his coworkers, acquaintances, and society about the effects of recycling garbage.

Ofir Morad took the initiative to safeguard the environment by using all of his resources and means to launch a garbage recycling company on his own

He desired to serve as a shining example for others on how to preserve the environment’s purity, greenness, and unfading beauty without harming it. He also highly regarded the idea that it is the responsibility of all people to preserve and safeguard the environment for coming generations. He clarified to future generations that life is impossible without trees and a clean environment. The technology that we’re running after will gradually kill us. The sooner we realize this thing, the better.

His message isn’t just to his nation’s people; it’s for all those constituting this ecosystem. It is never too late. You can still join the cause of saving our planet for a better future.

Info About Ofir:

– his company website: https://www.argaman-sviva.co.il/

– his Instagram profile: https://www.instagram.com/ofirki/