1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

5 Perks That Make Your Employment Benefits Package More Attractive

Did you know that 46% of employees left their jobs because they didn’t feel wanted by their bosses? If workers have been leaving your company, then it may be for this reason.

If you want to stop employees from quitting, then it may be time to reconsider your employee benefits package. After all, the more company incentives there are, the more appealing your workplace will be. Plus, it’ll show that you really appreciate all the hard work your employees put in.

Here are five perks you need to add to your employment benefits package to make it more attractive.

1. Flexible Work Arrangements

When the pandemic shut down businesses, and a huge number of people had to work from home (WFH), they realized that this setup was much more convenient. It eliminated commutes and the need to get up extra early. Plus, it allowed them to be home with their family more.

Not surprisingly, many weren’t happy to return to the office full-time. So if you don’t already, offer flexible work arrangements. These can include remote work, flextime, or compressed workweeks. Any of these enable your workers to manage their personal responsibilities better while maintaining their job satisfaction and productivity too.

 2. Retirement Savings Plans

There comes a day when your employees need to require, so even if you meet (or exceed) their salary requirements, they’ll still want a robust retirement savings plan. For example, you can have a 401(k) or pension scheme.

Take it a step further by matching a portion of their contributions. It’s not too common for employers to do this, so you’ll have a leg up on your competition.

3. Professional Development Opportunities

Most likely, your employees don’t want to be stuck in their current position forever. Some job benefits they’ll appreciate here are opportunities for continuing education, workshops, and conferences.

You should also consider tuition reimbursement programs. Your ambitious workers can pursue education without worry that they’ll lose their jobs.

4. Generous Paid Time Off (PTO)

When your new hires pass their background check, you can reward them with a generous PTO package. Offering them vacation days, sick leave, and personal days shows that you care about their work-life balance and well-being.

In the end, this will pay off for you too. When workers can take time off to rest, get rejuvenated, and spend time with loved ones, they’ll be happier and more productive at work.

 5. Health and Wellness Benefits

Another way to keep your workers happy and healthy is to offer health and wellness benefits. These can include comprehensive insurance coverage, including medical, dental, and vision plans.

In addition, you can offer gym memberships, wellness challenges, and mental health support.

Have a Great Employment Benefits Package

When you have a great employment benefits package, it’ll have candidates clamoring for a job with your company. Plus, it’ll keep your current workers happy, meaning you won’t lose fantastic talent to your competitors.

While it may take more out of your budget, think of it as an investment in your workforce. And you can bet that it’ll pay off!

For more employee retention tips, keep reading our blog page.