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3 Best Employee Attendance Trackers For Managers 2022

Running a company with many employees is not easy. You should control the work of your employees, arrivals, departures, calculate salaries, etc. Fortunately, modern technology and online time and attendance programs help you in this. But which one to choose? We will try to help you with that.

Employee Attendance Trackers Make Your Work Easier

According to current statistical data, productivity losses are caused by employees’ health problems – and mostly, by interruption of work due to various distractions at the workplace. From this data, we see that the cost of non-productivity can be high – especially if it takes a lot of time to uncover the activities that are the cause of time loss. Being productive at work isn’t nuclear physics – but it does require more forethought when it comes to time management. The key is to work smarter, not harder. Therefore, if you want to get as much work done as possible during the day, online time and attendance applications may be just what you need to motivate your workers.

Best Apps Of This Kind

Online time and attendance tools are a category of software that allows employees to record time spent on assignments and projects – while employers use such software to control their teams better. In recent years, there has been a trend of using these innovative tools to record the working hours of freelancers, home workers, etc. The choice of the right software can be hard but we hope our suggestion of 3 tools will fully suit your managers and the needs of your company.

1.  Buddy Punch

This is an excellent and simple online time and attendance application that will help managers with their work. With the help of a time card, you can effectively manage the time your workers spend at work and the activities performed during the working day. The advantage of Buddy Punch is the possibility to synchronize this software with programs for accounting, payroll, etc. Also, this application is functional for several different devices. When you use this kind of application – you almost eliminate the possibility of errors in tracking employees, calculating working hours, calculating payments, etc.

2.  Hubstaff

Hubstaff has everything you need for reliable team management. Thanks to the innovative time tracking and task management solution – businesses can track their team’s time with detailed timesheets, GPS tracking, and project management with the task module. Not only can it operate as an employee attendance tracker – but it also offers you the ability to record workers’ shifts and view reports online to optimize the company’s performance.

3.  BabmbooHR

BabmbooHR is a cloud-based HR management software solution for small and medium-sized businesses. With this tool, any HR team can improve the hiring process, analyze employee data, and develop company culture. In addition to offering your employee time tracking, this app also provides you with the use of a mobile application for employment, employee records, analytics and reporting, and much more.

The Bottom Line

These were just some of the employee attendance trackers of our choice. They made it to the list because of ease of use and precision in operating – but also because of other features they have that make your business much easier. We hope you will find one that will suit your company’s needs.