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10 Security Checklist to Secure Your WordPress Website

One of the most widely used content management systems, WordPress powers millions of websites. But as it gains popularity, hackers and online crooks pay it more attention. To guard against security lapses and data theft, you must secure your WordPress website. Follow the below 10 ways to safeguard your WordPress website:

Use a Strong Password

Using a strong and distinctive password is the first and most fundamental step in securing your WordPress website. Useless passwords like “123456” or “password” ought to be avoided. Use a mix of capital and lowercase letters, numerals, and special characters as an alternative.

Keep WordPress Updated

WordPress frequently publishes updates that fix bugs and security flaws. To make sure that your website is secure, always keep your WordPress version and plugins updated. But be sure some unstable updates may crash your website, so you ought to wait a few days to update the theme/plugin until it is tested by others.

Install a security plugin

All in one Security AIOS), Wordfence or Sucuri are three WordPress security plugins that can give an extra layer of protection to your website. These plugins can keep an eye out for malicious software, brute-force assaults, and other security risks on your website.

Use an SSL certificate

By encrypting data sent between the server and the browser, an SSL certificate gives your website an extra degree of security. This safeguards private data, including credit card numbers, usernames, and passwords.

Limit Login Attempts

To stop brute-force assaults, restrict the number of login attempts on your website. To restrict the amount of login attempts from a particular IP address, you can use plugins like All in One Security (AIOS).

Use two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication gives your website login an extra degree of protection. In addition to your password, a second authentication mechanism, like a code received to your mobile device or a code from an authenticator is required. You may want to read our detailed guide on integrating 2FA on WordPress.

Change Username:

Change the default “admin” username since hackers frequently use it to access your website. To stop such assaults, alter the default username to something special. You can do it manually by changing the source code or by using security plugins like WordFence, All in One Security (AIOS), Sucuri or Hide My WP Ghost.

Disable Directory Indexing

To prevent unwanted access to files and directories on your website, disable directory indexing. By including a few lines of code in the .htaccess file for your website, you can turn off directory indexing. Or you can use security plugins to do their job to disable the directory listing.

Eliminate Unused Plugins and Themes

Having unneeded plugins and themes on your website can compromise its security. Remove any plugins or themes that aren’t being used right away.

Backup your site

Regularly backup your website to guarantee that you have a copy of it in case of a security breach or other catastrophe. To automate the backup process, utilize plugins like UpdraftPlus to backup to Google Drive for free.

In conclusion, protecting your WordPress website is essential if you want to keep your customers, employees, and reputation safe. You may increase the security of your website and lower the danger of cyberattacks by following these 10 measures.